Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant Airfield,
1 Zavodskaya St., 1, office 323, Bolbasovo, Orsha District, Vitebsk Region,
Republic of Belarus 211004
GSM, WhatsApp, Telegram: +375 29 612 51 84 (+7 965 411 411 3)
+ 375 29 612 57 94 (+7 911 354 68 00)
+ 375 29 612 67 84 (+7 926 229 41 77)
Head office in the Russian Federation:
6 Kazamenny pereulok, Block 1, office 5
Moscow, 109028,
Office: phone/fax: +7 (495) -877-45-25
Office: GSM, WhatsApp, Telegram: +79259888577
Office: GSM, WhatsApp, Telegram: +7 (965) 411-411-3
Warsaw Office, Poland:
Hoża st., 86 / 210.00-682, Warsaw
GSM, WhatsApp, Telegram: +7 965 411-411-3
Office GSM, WhatsApp, Telegram: + 48 796 811 239
Satellite office:
Russian Federation 628520, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Gornopravdinsk, ul. Proizvodstvennaya, 7 (landing site "Gornopravdinsk")
Russian-Chinese helicopter deliveries, technical equipment, overhauls:
WhatsApp, Telegram, GSM: +79199995999
E-mail: g.blagov@helicopter-service.ru
乔治 布拉果夫
For the supply of spare parts, components and assemblies for aircraft:
E-mail: ati@helicopter-service.ru