This section contains the current list of aviation-technical equipment, ready for sale, located in our own warehouses in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The equipment is presented for all types of aircraft, such as: Mi-2, Mi-2M, Mi-8T, Mi-8PS, Mi-8MT, Mi-17-1V, Mi-17, Mi-17V-5, Mi-8MTV-1 , Mi-8MTV-5, Mi-8AMT, Mi-8AMTVSh-VA, Mi-171E, Mi-171A1, Mi-171A2, Mi-24, Mi-26, Mi-26T, Ka-32A, Ka-32T, Ka -32A-11BC. This Aviation technical equipment and supplies is an expensive property of the categories 1, 2 and 3 of the repair with a full set of documents ready for technical inspection and for prompt delivery.