Mountain Helicopters Companies Group is a conglomerate of aviation companies and professional personnel providing in aggregate all the needs of professional participants in the aviation market and aviation services customers.
Company's Presentation (see PDF)
Mountain Helicopters Companies Group consists of legal entities and individuals providing the following functions:
Helimountains LLC - this company is engaged in the implementation of any aerial work, the transportation of passengers and goods with the state and civil aviation helicopters Mi-2, Mi-2M, Mi-8T, Mi-8PS, Mi-8MT, Mi-17-1V, Mi-17, Mi -17V-5, Mi-8MTV-1, Mi-8MTV-5, Mi-8AMT, Mi-8AMTVSh-VA, Mi-171E, Mi-171A1, Mi-171A2, Mi-24, Mi-26, Mi-26T , Ka-32A, Ka-32T, Ka-32A-11BC in the territory of the Russian Federation, and abroad. Helimountains LLC operates business aviation helicopters to meet the needs of VIP customers carrying out charter flights in Russia and abroad. Company’s Head office is in Moscow, its branch office is located in Gornopravdinsk, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Ugra.
Mountain Helicopters LTD - the company sells Mi-2, Mi-2M, Mi-8T, Mi-8PS, Mi-8MT, Mi-17-1V, Mi-17, Mi-17V-5, Mi-8MTV- 1, Mi-8MTV-5, Mi-8AMT, Mi-8AMTVS-VA, Mi-171E, Mi-171A1, Mi-171A2, Mi-24, Mi-26, Mi-26T, Ka-32A, Ka-32T, Ka-32A-11BC helicopters to Russian and foreign airlines, to lessors and banks. In addition, Mountain Helicopters LTD performs the functions of aircraft management, organizing the aircraft haulage, rapair and regular maintenance, and it leases aircraft. Company’s Head office is in Warsaw Poland, European Union.
Helimountains-Zapad LLC - sells aviation technical equipment for Mi-2, Mi-2M, Mi-8T, Mi-8PS, Mi-8MT, Mi-17-1V, Mi-17, Mi-17V -5, Mi-8MTV-1, Mi-8MTV-5, Mi-8AMT, Mi-8AMTVSh-VA, Mi-171E, Mi-171A1, Mi-171A2, Mi-24, Mi-26, Mi-26T, Ka -32A, Ka-32T, Ka-32A-11BC helicopters. In particular, the bulk of ATE sales are the TV3-117VM engines, VR-14 gearboxes, and VR-252 gearboxes. The main activity of the company is a range of production services organizing the overhaul of Mil helicopters from Mi-2 to Mi-26T including military helicopters, and a maintenance of IL-76 aircraft. Among other things, the company is engaged in the insurance of ATE, aircraft, transported goods and air passengers baggage and logistics of any, even the most complex cargoes. Company’s Head office is in Moscow.
Orsha-Air Airlines LLC is an aviation company with operator’s certificate and a license for passengers and goods transportation. The company’s main function is to meet the needs of the Mountain Helicopters Companies Group and “Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant” PJSC, transporting the helicopter aeronautical and technical equipment across the planet in the interests of foreign customers with company’s own IL-76 aircraft.
The headquarters of this company is Bolbasovo Airfield, Vitebsk region of the Belarus Republic in the territory of Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant” PJSC, it has its own runway and apron to ensure the best performance of its functions.
The beneficiary of the “Mountain Helicopters” Companies Group, Mr. Vladimir Isakov is engaged in the strategic development of the group as a whole ensuring the interests of Russian and international business for both the professional participants in the aviation sector of the economy and for the consumers of aviation services and aviation work. Among other things, Mr. Vladimir Isakov is the chief of Komiaviatrans JSC Airline helicopter division with the Head office in Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi
Head office: of the Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant Aerfield,
1 Zavodskaya, st., office 323, Bolbasovo, Orsha District, Vitebsk Region,
Republic of Belarus 211004,
Order call here: + 7 (495) 877-45-2