About us
Licences & Certificates
Our mission
Permitted works
Sales of aircraft
New helicopters: MI-8MTV / AMT, MI-171, The 1st Category Aviation technical equipment and supplies
Selling helicopters
Purchasing helicopters
Leasing helicopters
Helicopters rent/leasing by the "Mountain Helicopters" GC
Sales of Aviation technical equipment and supplies materials and supplies
Selling Aviation technical equipment and supplies
Buying Aviation technical equipment and supplies
Aviation technical equipment and supplies for aircraft
Maintenance and repair
Organizing helicopters’ periodic maintenance
Helicopters overhaul repair
Overhaul repair of Mi-26T helicopters
Mi-2 helicopters overhaul repair
Mi-8MTV-1/AMT (Mi-17, Mi-171) Overhaul
IL-76 aircraft maintenance works
A&REO: Avionics and Radio Equipment Diagnistics and Repair
Non-mastered repair works
Fulfillment of the bulletins
Procurement and logistics
Procurement by air
Procurement by sea/water
Procurement by railway
Special landing of any cargo by IL-76 aircraft
Delivery of fuels of all kinds with mobile tanks
Insurance of Aviation Technical Equipment and Supplies
Aircraft Insurance
Cargo insurance
Air passengers Baggage Insurance
Management of aircraft
Evaluation of an acquired aircraft and related Aviation Technical Equipment and Supplies
Maintenance and support of any transactions for the purchase of any aircraft
Flag assignment for the aircraft
Organizing the aircraft basing
Organizing Scheduled Maintenance and Repeir for your aircraft
Representing the interests of the operator at the State Aviation Authorities
Paperwork for an aircraft
Contact us
+7 (495) 877-45-25
About us
Licences & Certificates
Our mission
Permitted works
Sales of aircraft
New helicopters: MI-8MTV / AMT, MI-171, The 1st Category Aviation technical equipment and supplies
Selling helicopters
Purchasing helicopters
Leasing helicopters
Helicopters rent/leasing by the "Mountain Helicopters" GC
Sales of Aviation technical equipment
Selling Aviation technical equipment and supplies
Buyng Aviation technical equipment and supplies
Aviation technical equipment and supplies for aircraft
Maintenance and repair
Organizing helicopters’ periodic maintenance
Helicopters overhaul repair
Overhaul repair of Mi-26T helicopters
Mi-2 helicopters overhaul repair
Mi-8MTV-1/AMT (Mi-17, Mi-171) Overhaul
IL-76 aircraft maintenance works
A&REO: Avionics and Radio Equipment Diagnistics and Repair
Non-mastered repair works
Fulfillment of the bulletins
Procurement and logistics
Procurement by air
Procurement by sea/water
Procurement by railway
Special landing of any cargo by IL-76 aircraft
Delivery of fuels of all kinds with mobile tanks
Insurance of Aviation Technical Equipment and Supplies
Aircraft Insurance
Cargo insurance
Air passengers Baggage Insurance
Evaluation of an acquired aircraft and related Aviation Technical Equipment and Supplies
Maintenance and support of any transactions for the purchase of any aircraft
Flag assignment for the aircraft
Organizing the aircraft basing
Organizing Scheduled Maintenance and Repeir for your aircraft
Representing the interests of the operator at the State Aviation Authorities
Paperwork for an aircraft
Sales of Aviation technical equipment
Buying Aviation technical equipment and supplies
Engines TV3-117VM, categories 1-2
Selling Aviation technical equipment and supplies
Buying Aviation technical equipment and supplies
Aviation technical equipment and supplies for aircraft